All publications listed below were in Dutch, except 'Scorpius" and "PACS in Practice".
- “Webhouse publishing”; authors: Hein Bouman en Eric Hoogenboom; publication: Database Magazine, jaargang 10, nr 4, 1999
- Scorpius – a practical approach to small-scale information system development”; author: drs. H.D. Bouman RI e.a.; published online by Antares Informatisering BV, 1998
- "Growing pains of web-projects" (in Dutch: "De groeipijnen van Webprojecten") ; author: drs. H.D. Bouman RI; publication: Informatie, July/August 1997
- "Are Intranets much better then client/server?" (in Dutch: "Is intranet nu zo veel beter dan client/server?"); author: drs. H.D. Bouman RI; publication: Software Release - Speciale Uitgave, Jaargang 2, april 1997. Also published in: Computable, 14 maart 1997.
- “Object-relational modeling for Illustra” (in Dutch: "Object-relationeel modelleren voor Illustra); author: drs. H.D. Bouman RI; publication: Database Magazine, jaargang 7, nr. 2, 1996
- "OTIF - A modeling technique for information functions in a 4GL-environment" (in Dutch: “OTIF - Een ontwerptechniek voor informatiefuncties in een 4GL-omgeving”); authors: drs. H.D. Bouman RI; publication: Antares Informatisering BV, 1996
- “OTIF"; author: drs. HD. Bouman RI; publication: Database Magazine, jaargang 6, nr. 2, 1995
- "Recipe to describe the functionality" (in Dutch: “Recept om de functionaliteit te beschrijven”); authors: drs. H.D. Bouman RI; publication: Computable nr. 33, 1994
- “PACS in practice: The status of the PACS project at the St. Radboud University Hospital. Part B. A digital image archive: information analysis and development”; authors: drs. H.D. Bouman, drs. M.J.J. Knots, drs. S. Brinkkemper, L.J.Th.O. van Erning; publication: Journal of Medical Information, vol. 13, 1988
- “The development of a digital image archive"; (in Dutch: "De ontwikkeling van een digitaal beeldarchief”); authors: drs. M.J.J. Knots, drs. H.D. Bouman, drs. S. Brinkkemper, L.J.Th.O van Erning; publication: Informatie, jaargang 30, nr. 10, 1988